0800 TAXI SERVICE (0800 829473 or
online contact form)
"The hoppit bus was on time and alot of fun, the hostess is the mostess and a barrel of laughs ..."John H, Germany | more quotes
To contact the Hoppit for bookings, advertising, employment or general enquiries please see informtaion below:
Hoppit Tours and Transport in Dunedin
Why not check out our current vacancies0800 Taxi Service (0800 829473)
From overseas: +64 (0) 275 467748
PO Box 1066
Dunedin 9054
New Zealand
Request a quote / Make a booking / Get in touch
Please fill in the form below with all your requirement details. Just ignore the fields where you are unsure of at the moment.
We will endevour to provide you a quote / confirmation within 24 hours.
If you dont have an email address then please call us for a quote:
0800TAXISERVICE - (0800829473)
From overseas: +64 (0) 275 467748